The Bon Secours Mission statement – “to provide compassionate, quality health care services to those in need, including the poor and the dying, for the purpose of alleviating human suffering and bringing people to wholeness in the midst of pain and loss” – expresses fully the meaning of our ministry. This same mission has endured since it was adopted by 12 courageous young women in Paris in 1824 – the first Sisters of Bon Secours – who left the confines of their convent to care for the dying in their homes – an unusual practice at the time. Today we find that same level of quality, compassionate care in the Bon Secours Hospice program.
Bon Secours Hospice began in Richmond in 1982 when Amy Millhiser and her daughters, Millie Heltzer and Claire Rosenbaum, created an endowment fund, the Amy and Charles Millhiser Hospice Fund. Since that time, Bon Secours Hospice has provided compassionate care to people facing the end of life in the Richmond community. Experience has shown us that honesty and heartfelt kindness are as important as quality medical care. That’s why Bon Secours Hospice cares for the patient’s whole being – body, mind and spirit – and provides support for the patient’s family and friends as they accompany their loved one on the end-of-life journey.
Bon Secours Hospice is accredited by The Joint Commission and is Richmond’s only nonprofit hospice program.